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 settextstyle()          Set Current Text Font, Direction and Size

 #include   <graphics.h>

 void       far settextstyle(font,dir,charsize);
 int        font;
 int        dir;
 int        charsize;

    settextstyle() sets the current text font, direction and character
    size.  All calls to outtext() and outtextxy() are affected by the new

    The graphics library includes an 8x8 bit-mapped font, in which each
    character is defined by a matrix of pixels, and several stroked
    fonts, in which each character is defined by a series of vectors
    which determine how that character is drawn.

    'font' can be an 8x8 bit-mapped font or one of several "stroked"
    fonts available.  The different types of fonts available are defined
    in the enumeration 'font_names', defined in <graphics.h> as:

     Name           Value     Description
     DEFAULT_FONT     0       8x8 bit_mapped font
     TRIPLEX_FONT     1       Stroked triplex font
     SMALL_FONT       2       Stroked small font
     SANS_SERIF_FONT  3       Stroked sans-serif font
     GOTHIC_FONT      4       Stroked gothic font

    The 8x8 bit-mapped font is the default font and is always available.
    The stroked fonts are kept in separate .CHR files on disk and can be
    loaded at run time or converted to .OBJ files (with the BGIOBJ
    utility) and linked to your .EXE files. (See registerbgifont().)

    'dir' can be either horizontal text (left to right) or vertical text
    (rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise).  The values for 'dir' are
    defined in <graphics.h> as:

     Name           Value     Description
     HORIZ_DIR        0       Left to right
     VERT_DIR         1       Bottom to top

    The default direction is HORIZ_DIR.

    'charsize' allows each character to be magnified by a specific
    factor. If 'charsize' has a value of 0, the stroked font is magnified
    using the default character magnification factor of 4, or the user-
    defined character size set using setusercharsize().  If 'charsize'
    has a value greater than 0, the 8x8 bit-mapped or stroked font is
    magnified by that factor. (For example, if 'charsize' is 1, an 8x8
    bit-mapped font is displayed in an 8x8 pixel rectangle.  If
    'charsize' is 2, an 8x8 bit-mapped font is displayed in a 16x16 pixel
    rectangle, etc.)

    settextstyle() affects all subsequent calls to outtext() and

    Returns:    Nothing. If an error occurs while the stroked fonts are
                being loaded off disk, graphresult() can be coded to

                 -8   Font file no found
                 -9   Not enough memory to load font
                -11   Generic error
                -12   Graphics I/O error
                -13   Invalid font file
                -14   Invalid font number

   -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

    The following statements save the original text settings, change the
    settings and print an example, then restore the original settings.

           #include <graphics.h>
           #include <conio.h>

               int gdriver = DETECT;
               int gmode;
               struct textsettingstype textset;

               outtextxy(100,32,"Default text settings");
               outtextxy(100,100,"Gothic Font");
               outtextxy(100,200,"Restore default text settings");

See Also: settextjustify() settextstyle()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson